Assignment 1: The cover quizzes were nifty. I got 21/24 of the "adult" titles, and basically bombed on the children's with 12/20. Catcher in the Rye is always a plain white cover in my memory. Also, for some reason I thought the Lord of the Flies cover was anything but; Last of the Mohicans, anyone?
Assignment 2: I did fairly well on the cover/subgenre matching, predictably missing the SciFi and Fantasy ones, as I don't gravitate toward either genre. The urban fantasy was the only one of those two genres I accurately guessed.
Assignment 3: Good tips, thanks. I particularly liked the "don't pigeonhole" tips; it can be all too easy to generalize about a genre we don' t know very well.
Assignment 4: I will follow Earlyword and Stop You're Killing Me. Earlyword has great breaking book news and keeps me briefed on recent titles getting publicity. Stop You're Killing Me will help me with mysteries, as we have many mystery lovers at Parkville and I am not one of them. Mysteries are definitely a weak spot for me.
Assignment 5: This little girl was hilarious. Every other word seemed to be "magical," "robots," or "trees." Love it.